26 MARCH 2018
Notice of convocation of the General Shareholders’ Meeting

Conformity with according to provisions of art. 53, p.(1) of the Law nr.1134-XIII from 02.04.1997 on Joint Stock Companies, art. 54 of the Law nr.202 from 06.10.2017 on Banks’ Activity, the Statute of BC “VICTORIABANK” SA, and pursuant to the Decision of the Bank’s Board of Directors (minutes nr. 24 from 19th of March, 2018), the General Shareholders’ Meeting of BC “VICTORIABANK” SA is convened on the 27th of April 2018, 11:00 AM at the Bank’s headquarters, at the address:

mun. Chisinau, str. 31 august 1989, nr. 141, 3rd Floor (Conference room).

Shareholder registration: 9:00 – 10:55

The General Meeting will be held with the presence of the shareholders.


Agenda of the Meeting:



1. Regarding the Annual Financial Report for the year 2017;
2. Regarding the Board of Directors’ Report for the year 2017;
3. Regarding the Audit Commission’s Report for the year 2017;
4. Regarding distribution of the Bank’s profit for the year 2017;
5. Regarding profit distribution policy for the year 2018;
6. Regarding the establishment of the amount of Board of Directors’ remuneration and compensation;
7. Regarding early termination of powers of the current Audit Commission;
8. Regarding the confirmation of the Audit Company that will carry out the required ordinary audit for the year 2018 and the amount of remuneration for their services;
9. Regarding changes and amendments to the Regulation of the General Shareholders’ Meeting of B.C. „VICTORIABANK” S.A.;
10. Regarding abrogation of certain internal normative acts of the bank.



The list of shareholders entitled to participate at the General Meeting is compiled as at 19th of March 2018. Amendments to the list of shareholders will be made according to legislation in force, after date of compilation, but not later than the 23rd of April, 2018.

The Participants at the Meeting can examine the materials pertaining to the General Meeting starting from April the 17th, 2018 (during work days), between 09.00-12.30 and 14:00-16:00, at the Bank’s headquarters (mun. Chisinau, 31 August 1989 street, nr. 141, office 201).

In order to participate at the Meeting, the shareholders will have their Identity Card (passport) with them. The Shareholders’ representatives will have the documents that confirm their mandate (power of attorney issued in accordance with the legislation in force or statement from the State Registry of legal entities).

For additional Information, please call. 022-576350, 022-576353.


Management Committee