Ceiling for issuing Bank guarantee letters for participating in tenders

About credit

g Purpose

Do you plan to participate frequently in tenders, but need to provide letters of guarantee? Do you need to obtain recently a guarantee to participate in tenders without the full bank issuing procedure?

Do you need to pay suppliers and don’t like to block funds on deposit accounts for obtaining the letter of guarantee?

h Loan Amount

up to 200,000 MDL

j Currency


k Maturity

up to 18 months

Do you need easy access for obtaining a guarantee letter

  • Ceiling for issuing bank guarantees for participating in tenders ensures the needs for guaranteeing the tenders offers
  • No pledges required
  • The fast issuing procedure within the «Ceiling»

Eligibility criteria

  • The company is operating for at least 24 months and complies with the SME company criteria
  • There are no overdue payments on loans granted in the last 12 months, according data supplied by Loan Reporting Office/Agency (BIC)

How to apply for a loan

  • Contact the branch you are already working with
  • Fill out the loan application
  • Attach the legal-constitutive approval regarding contracting the guarantee and the legal representative of the company within the legal transaction
  • Attach copy of the last two (annual) financial reports and for the last completed quarterly trial balance.